Title Tag Starts with the Keyword

Google Algorithm Ranking Factors

(Number 175 of the 200)


Author: Dr. Manus Ward │Head of Digital Strategy and Data Protection │Hotelconsultant.com is a qualified and experienced former hotel manager, culinary Olympic team manager and hospitality Head of School who is passionate about passing on the knowledge he gained from one of the few hotel digital strategy doctorates in the world to you the hotelier. Bonus: If you have any problems with this contact me (100% free) at manus@hotelconsultant.com or 086 8185829 on this or any aspect of your hotel’s digital strategy.

Why do we need to do this

Google believes that if a page is relevant, the keywords searchers type into Google will be at the start of the title tag and probably in the exact order and will reward sites with higher rankings where this is so.

What do I do

After you do your local keyword research put the keywords that are most important at the start of the title tag and in the order that searchers actually search for. Conduct keyword research for these words.


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